Below you can find the team members and the members of the advisory board of the Hellenic National Election Studies. The Hellenic National Election Studies team would be interested to hear from other scholars who have interest in contributing to the project. Please let us know of your interest by using the contact form.
Founding Members
The three founding members are all members of the COST Action True European Voter (TEV). Their involvement in TEV has played a very important role on their decision to work on the establishment of the Hellenic National Election Studies.
Ioannis Andreadis is assistant professor of quantitative methods in social sciences at the Department of Political Sciences of Aristotle University Thessaloniki. He teaches the following courses: Mathematics for political sciences, Social Statistics, Spatial Electoral Analysis (using Ecological Inference), and Quantitative Methods for Political Sciences (postgraduate). He is a member of the steering committee of the project Comparative Candidate Survey (CCS). He is one of the national directors for the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES) in Greece. He is a specialist on web surveys. He is the administrator of the site which is used to conduct political web surveys in Greece. He is a MC member of the COST action WebDataNet and the leader of TF20: "Web Survey Paradata". He serves as a member of the Steering Committee of the ECPR standing group on Public Opinion and Voting Behaviour in a Comparative Perspective. His research areas are: Electoral behaviour, Electoral geography, Public opinion, Political analysis, Social statistics, Social networks, Ecological inference, and IT & politics. He is the designer and programmer of, a Voting Advice Application that is used to inform citizens about the electoral process and particularly about the positions of parties on issues related to the electoral competition. He is the author of several articles published in scientific journals and conference proceedings. For a more detailed CV please visit
Theodore Chadjipadelis is a Professor and elected head at the Department of Political Science in Aristotle University. He graduated from the Department of Mathematics and received his PhD for the Department of Statistics and Operational Research. Since 2011 he is President of the Managing Committee at the University of Western Macedonia. He was a member of the Special Scientific Committee of the Ministry of Interior Decentralization and E-government for the new architecture of Administration and Regional Administration as well as the Special Committee for the electoral law. He has been involved in many committees and major projects concerning statistics, public administration and e-governance in Greece and abroad. His main research interests are applied statistics, electoral and political behaviour, urban and regional planning, e-governance. He has published more than 100 papers in scientific journals and conference proceedings in Greece and abroad relating to Electoral Analysis, Public Opinion analysis, Statistical Education, Applied Statistics, Urban and Regional Planning. He is member of the Management and Steering Committee of the COST Action: ISCH Action IS0806 The True European Voter: A Strategy For Analysing the Prospects of European Electoral Democracy that includes the West, the South and the East of the Continent (TEV) including 30 countries. This Action is about identification and analysis for the history, methods and data for elections and electoral behaviour research.
Eftichia Teperoglou has a PhD (2008) from the Department of Political Science and Public Administration at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She is Lecturer in Political Sociology at the Department of Political Science, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece. She collaborates with the Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (CIES – IUL) and from 2009 to May 2014 was also research associate at the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES), University of Mannheim for the research project The True European Voter. She is one of the national directors for the Comparative Candidate Survey (CCS), Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES) and European Election Study (EES) in Greece. Her main research interests are in the fields of political and electoral behaviour with a focus on European elections, comparative politics, analysis of party manifestos, quantitative methods and public opinion. She has published articles in West European Politics, South European Society & Politics, Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties, Hellenic Political Science Review, as well as in a number of edited volumes. She is the author of the forthcoming book (in Greek) titled The other "national" elections. Analyzing the European Elections in Greece 1981-2009 (Papazisis Publications, series of International and European Politics).
PostDoc Researchers and PhD Students
Evangelia Kartsounidou is a PhD candidate at school of Political Sciences at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), examining stances and attitudes of political elites using web-tools. In June 2011, she completed her bachelor studies at school of Political Science at AUTH, where two years later she also received her MA degree in Political Analysis. She has participated in the conduction of the Greek National Election Studies of 2015 and 2019. She has attended several national and international conferences and workshops. Her interest in research lies broadly in political behavior, survey methodology, web surveys and social media.
Maria Tsigkou is a PhD candidate at school of Political Sciences at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) examining populism in a comparative way using web surveys (e.g. expert surveys, candidate surveys and voter surveys). In November 2016, she completed her bachelor studies at school of Political Science at AUTH, where two years later she also received her MA degree in Political Analysis. Her interest in research lies broadly in political behavior, survey methodology and web surveys.
Advisory Members
Hermann Schmitt is a professor at the Universities of Manchester and Mannheim. He is the chair of the COST Action True European Voter (TEV) and the founder of the Comparative Candidates Survey (CCS). Between 1987 and 1997, he was the head of research, later the director, of the ZEUS institute at the University of Mannheim, and as such an advisor of the Eurobarometer service of the European Commission. He received a venia legendi in 1999 from the Free University of Berlin (Dr. rer. pol. habil.) with a study on issue voting and political representation (Politische Repräsentation in Europa, published in 2001 at Campus Verlag). He served as a Privatdozent at the Free University of Berlin between 1999 and 2008, when he moved his academic status (by way of Umhabilitation) to the University of Mannheim. In Mannheim, he has been a Research Fellow at the Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung from 1990 on. In 2011, he accepted a call to a Chair in Electoral Politics at Manchester University (part time), and is dividing his time between Manchester and Mannheim since then.
Dave Howell, Center for Political Studies, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan