Ioannis Andreadis's blog

Include your items in the Family and Changing Gender Roles survey

The research team of the project Web-based election studies of ELNES/HelpMeVote (based at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) offers survey space on a forthcoming Greek survey. The research team has a long experience of collecting data for CSES and other national and international organizations, and the PI of the project has been a CSES collaborator since 2009 and a partner of ISSP since 2021.

Include your items in three forthcoming surveys

The research team of the project Web-based election studies of ELNES/HelpMeVote (based at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) offers survey space on three forthcoming Greek surveys. The research team has a long experience of collecting voter data for CSES and other national and international organizations, and the PI of the project has been a CSES collaborator since 2009 and a partner of ISSP since 2021.

Include your items in our voter survey

The research team of the project Web-based election studies of ELNES (based at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) offers survey space on its forthcoming Greek post-election voter survey. The research team has a long experience of collecting voter data for CSES (see the most recent studies at ) and the PI of the project has been a CSES collaborator since 2009.

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