Voter Transition Rates: Greece 2019-2023

Voter Transition Rates: Greece 2019-2023

The following estimates of voter transition rates between Greek General Elections 2019 and 2023 are based on a method that combines unit-level deterministic bounds with cross-unit statistical information. This method was first developed by Gary King (1997) for two-party political systems, and it was further developed to support multi-party systems (Andreadis & Chadjipadelis, 2009; Χατζηπαντελής & Ανδρεάδης, 2007). The data used for the analysis have been downloaded from

1 ND loyalty rates

The loyalty rate for ND is estimated at:83.0% and it varies across the electoral districts of Greece from 71.3% to 89.2%. Table 1.1 shows the electoral districts with highest loyalty rates for ND
Table 1.1: Electoral districts with highest loyalty rates for ND
Περιφέρεια Ποσοστό
Δωδεκανήσου 89.2%
Α’ Πειραιώς 88.3%
Β’ Δυτικής Αττικής 87.2%
Α’ Ανατολικής Αττικής 87.1%
Κυκλάδων 86.3%
Β1’ Βόρειου Τομέα Αθηνών 86.2%
Χανίων 85.8%
Β’ Πειραιώς 85.7%
Μαγνησίας 85.5%
Β3’ Νότιου Τομέα Αθηνών 85.4%

and table 1.2 shows the electoral districts with lowest loyalty rates for ND

Table 1.2: Electoral districts with lowest loyalty rates for ND
Περιφέρεια Ποσοστό
Ροδόπης 71.3%
Άρτας 76.6%
Πιερίας 77.5%
Δράμας 77.9%
Πρέβεζας 78.5%
Ευρυτανίας 78.6%
Αρκαδίας 78.8%
Ξάνθης 78.8%
Καστοριάς 79.1%
Φλώρινας 79.6%
Finally, figure 1.1 displays the loyalty rates of ND in all electoral districts
ND loyalty rates

Figure 1.1: ND loyalty rates

2 SYRIZA loyalty rates

The loyalty rate for SYRIZA is estimated at: 58.8% and it varies across the electoral districts of Greece from 52.2% to 80.1%. Table 2.1 shows the electoral districts with highest loyalty rates for SYRIZA
Table 2.1: Electoral districts with highest loyalty rates for SYRIZA
Περιφέρεια Ποσοστό
Ροδόπης 80.1%
Άρτας 67.9%
Αιτωλοακαρνανίας 65.4%
Κεφαλληνίας 65.0%
Ευρυτανίας 63.8%
Αχαΐας 63.1%
Καστοριάς 63.0%
Α’ Αθηνών 62.9%
Γρεβενών 62.3%
Φλώρινας 61.3%

and table 2.2 shows the electoral districts with lowest loyalty rates for SYRIZA

Table 2.2: Electoral districts with lowest loyalty rates for SYRIZA
Περιφέρεια Ποσοστό
Λασιθίου 52.2%
Ηρακλείου 52.5%
Δωδεκανήσου 52.6%
Β’ Δυτικής Αττικής 52.9%
Ευβοίας 53.7%
Λέσβου 53.8%
Χανίων 54.3%
Χίου 54.4%
Ρεθύμνης 54.6%
Κυκλάδων 54.8%
Finally, figure 2.1 displays the loyalty rates of SYRIZA in all electoral districts
SYRIZA loyalty rates

Figure 2.1: SYRIZA loyalty rates


The overall transition rate for SYRIZA to PASOK is estimated at: 9.4% and it varies across the electoral districts of Greece from 4.0% to 20.0%. Table 3.1 shows the electoral districts with highest transition rates from SYRIZA to PASOK
Table 3.1: Electoral districts with highest transition rates from SYRIZA to PASOK
Περιφέρεια Ποσοστό
Ρεθύμνης 20.0%
Ηρακλείου 18.6%
Ξάνθης 15.1%
Ευβοίας 13.8%
Αρκαδίας 13.1%
Λασιθίου 12.7%
and Table 3.2 shows the electoral districts with lowest transition rates from SYRIZA to PASOK
Table 3.2: Electoral districts with lowest transition rates from SYRIZA to PASOK
Περιφέρεια Ποσοστό
Θεσπρωτίας 4.0%
Ευρυτανίας 5.0%
Ροδόπης 5.2%
Λακωνίας 5.3%
Άρτας 5.4%
Α’ Πειραιώς 5.4%
Finally, figure 3.1 displays the transition rates from SYRIZA to PASOK in all electoral districts

Figure 3.1: SYRIZA to PASOK


The overall transition rate for SYRIZA to ND is estimated at: 16.6% and it varies across the electoral districts of Greece from 0.0% to 24.4%. Table 4.1 shows the electoral districts with highest transition rates from SYRIZA to ND
Table 4.1: Electoral districts with highest transition rates from SYRIZA to ND
Περιφέρεια Ποσοστό
Δωδεκανήσου 24.4%
Β’ Δυτικής Αττικής 22.1%
Χανίων 22.0%
Λασιθίου 21.7%
Α’ Πειραιώς 20.8%
Κυκλάδων 20.6%
Figure 4.1 displays the transition rates from SYRIZA to ND in all electoral districts

Figure 4.1: SYRIZA to ND

Crete, homeland for both leaders of PASOK and ND, was a disaster for SYRIZA (<55% loyalty rates). In addition, SYRIZA lost many voters towards KKE, other parties and abstention all over Greece. On the other hand, only a small number of the voters who had voted for ND in 2019, have moved to other parties. The most important part has moved towards the new political party: NIKI

5 ND to NIKI

The overall transition rate for ND to NIKI is estimated at: 5.1% and it varies across the electoral districts of Greece from 2.8% to 9.7%. Table 5.1 shows the electoral districts with highest transition rates from ND to NIKI
Table 5.1: Electoral districts with highest transition rates from ND to NIKI
Περιφέρεια Ποσοστό
Πιερίας 9.7%
Β’ Θεσσαλονίκης 8.4%
Πέλλας 7.9%
Χαλκιδικής 7.4%
Α’ Θεσσαλονίκης 7.3%
Δράμας 7.0%
Κοζάνης 6.9%
Κιλκίς 6.7%
Ημαθίας 6.6%
Αχαΐας 6.5%
Figure 5.1 displays the transition rates from ND to NIKI in all electoral districts

Figure 5.1: ND to NIKI


The overall rate from ABSTENTION to PLEFSI is estimated at: 1.1% and it varies across the electoral districts of Greece from 0.4% to 2.1%. Table 6.1 shows the electoral districts with highest transition rates from ABSTENTION to PLEFSI
Table 6.1: Electoral districts with highest transition rates from ABSTENTION to PLEFSI
Περιφέρεια Ποσοστό
Β2’ Δυτικού Τομέα Αθηνών 2.1%
Α’ Θεσσαλονίκης 1.9%
Β’ Θεσσαλονίκης 1.7%
Β3’ Νότιου Τομέα Αθηνών 1.7%
Β’ Πειραιώς 1.7%
Κέρκυρας 1.6%
Β1’ Βόρειου Τομέα Αθηνών 1.6%
Α’ Ανατολικής Αττικής 1.5%
Β’ Δυτικής Αττικής 1.4%
Μαγνησίας 1.3%
Figure 6.1 displays the transition rates from ABSTENTION to PLEFSI in all electoral districts